Monday, September 30, 2019

A Report to Determine the Benefits of a Good Staff Welfare System

A REPORT TO DETERMINE THE BENEFITS OF A GOOD STAFF WELFARE SYSTEM BY MARK ROSS 21ST October 2012 CONTENTS Introduction1 Executive Summary1 Staff welfare and organisational objectives1 Process for assessing staff welfare2 Actions to be taken2 Communicating responsibilities for staff welfare3 Recording and maintaining staff welfare systems4 Conclusion4 Bibliography4 i 1. INTRODUCTION 1. 1 This report has been asked for by my manager to determine the benefits to the company of good and well integrated staff welfare system.Recent statistics produced by the companies Human Resources department show that the levels of sickness and absenteeism are unacceptably high. 2. EXECUTIVE SUMMARY 2. 1 This Report considers 5 main objectives: Discuss the relationship between staff welfare and organisational objectives. Explain the process for assessing staff welfare. Identify the actions to be taken by the manager in dealing with a staff welfare Issue. Describe how to communicate responsibilities for staff welfare to then team. Discuss records that may be maintained to demonstrate that staff welfare is supported. . Discuss the relationship between staff welfare and organisational objectives. The relationship between staff welfare and organisational objectives can be can be a bit of a balancing act but there are many basic requirements we all expect when we go to work: Safe working conditions / work environment (risk assessments carried out) Safety from any kind of harassment e. g. bullying, sexual, racial. Good employee relations with people being treated with dignity and respect. Equal opportunities. Adequate induction into the company and ongoing training.Some of these process's come at a cost and given the current economic downturn many companies may want try and make cutbacks in certain areas namely ongoing training which can be expensive. If we are able to show our staff that we really care about there interests and personnel development it has been shown in studies to incr ease the overall feeling of well-being in the work place, this is proven to increase productivity and reduce rates of sickness and absenteeism which in-turn leads to a positive effect on bottom line profits. A study by Dr Kerstin Alfes of Kingston University Business School found that:Keeping staff happy might not be a high priority for employers in the economic downturn. But a report from Kingston University argues that a contented workforce can help an organisation to succeed and can even make the difference between whether or not a struggling company survives the recession. 1 4. Explain the process for assessing staff welfare. The process for assessing staff welfare can be achieved in several ways, all are based on an open and honest flow of communication from front-line staff up the chain of command using well defined process's.Making the chain of command clear is also very important so staff know the correct approach to take and who to contact with any given issue/grievance. He re are some of the methods we currently have in place to assess staff welfare: Surveys / Questionnaires. Suggestion Box's (Anonymous). Regular performance reviews / appraisals. Near-miss and accident reporting. Back to work interviews. All these process's are based on getting an understanding of how the workforce feel at work and improvements that may be needed to make things run smoother. One process our company hasn't yet developed fully is a workplace counselling scheme.This concept originated in the USA and looks at staff welfare not only in the work place but outside it too, it recognises that many problems affecting productivity and welfare are not only work related. This counselling must be confidential and empathetic to the personal needs on the individual employee. 5. Identify the actions to be taken by the manager in dealing with a staff welfare issue. A manager may deal with staff welfare issues in the following ways, closely assessing the information gathered during the processing of a staff welfare issue and also looking into other relevant information is one of the most important step.We need to get to the bottom of the issue and take a balanced view on all the concerns raised. Actions to be taken: Following of policies and procedures that are in place. Meetings with those concerned with the specific staff welfare issue. Close assessment of information gathered. These actions should lead to a good overall picture of the staff welfare issue and allow use to take the correct approach in rectifying or putting controlling measures in place to minimize the issue. Often policies and procedures may need to be updated to incorporate things we have learnt from individual issues.This can be seen to be good management tool also as it shows our employees that as a company we are always open to continual improvement. 2 6. Describe how to communicate responsibilities for staff welfare to the team. Staff welfare responsibilities can be communicated to staff via newsletters regular meeting appraisals Notice boards eg last accident/near miss currently our company collects data on accident reports/nears misses but it only used as a tool to pass onto higher management and isn't made freely available to staff, In previous jobs this information has been made public knowledge and published on notice board.I feel this can be used as a good tool to show that we're striving to reduce these figures, the same approach could also be taken with sickness and absenteeism. Publishing information such as days lost due to sickness and cost to the company in having to pay for overtime to cover time could show how important we take this issue. 7. Discuss records that may be maintained to demonstrate that staff welfare is supported. There are several ways in which records can be maintained to support staff welfare such as 8. Conclusion 9. Bibliography http://www. kingston. ac. uk/pressoffice/news/59/26-01-2010-a-happy-workforce-is-good-for-business. html

Sunday, September 29, 2019

A mate worse than death review Essay

The essay is entitled â€Å"A mate worse than death† which was given justice on the proceedings. This is in particular to a definite type of clubwoman which is certainly not honored yet the acme of perfect clubwoman hood. The author explained the roles and virtues that a perfect clubwoman should/could have on her point of view. Among the roles were, a health addict, a public speaker, a civic leader, a fashion model, a model mother, an artist and an art lover considering the qualities manifested were a pillar of strength, a tower of hope, a symbol of fortitude, personification of charity and a dynamo of energy. Being a health addict was basically a challenge on the part of a perfect clubwoman. Though she be in the pink of health (in a good health condition), mad about boogaloo and vitamin-laden- to hop in different parties and forums seems to be difficult. But a tough devotion to responsibilities nevertheless tempts hors d’oeuvres (out of work) which bring in mind the relevance of a clubwoman’s hearty appetite. She truly believes in the adage â€Å"A sound mind in a sound body† which was a famous aphorism from a pre-Socratic Greek philosopher Thales. It only entails why clubwoman attends forums, which is to feed mind as well as to improve on health through food consciousness within different parties. A public speaker was one of the clubwoman’s roles. The sincerity, depth of feeling in addressing the plea for aid in country, makes her a convincing public speaker. This genuineness was developed due to the saying â€Å"Honesty is the best policy†, making her captivating as a public speaker. Transparency and accountability makes a clubwoman a person who could depend on even in strictest confidentiality issues. The merits of the author’s clubwoman as an art lover were also beyond excellence. Attending lectures on arts, actual demonstrations and applications made her a better one. Another role was model mother bearing on her role as a fashion model. She feels it would be extravagant on spending on her children’s clothes when they are not seen. As a result, she spends the whole thing on her dresses and clothes. And the money she saves for her children’s clothes were splurge on gowns she models at fashion shows benefited by one orphanage. Believing that she is being kind not only to her children but o the children of others. The glittering roles and multitude virtues provided by the author may give the readers a little hint on a clubwoman’s full worth. However, a wife resembling the author’s clubwoman entails the reason why man as overheard to have remarked that he had a mate worse than death. A MATE WORSE THAN DEATH (Analysis/Interpretation) The title â€Å"A mate worse than death† implies what the author is trying to expound in the essay. The author merely described the roles and virtues/qualities a perfect clubwoman is. The roles explained were all implied as a good individual/citizen without considering person as a wife and as a mother of her own children. The virtues portrays every single individual should have. It has been deeply expressed not just the self belongingness to the social and community affairs but the heartily devoted woman to the needs. Although it seems to be a perfect description of a clubwoman, it was never seem to be a perfect description of a wife and a mother. Nevertheless, socially aware and responsible is acceptable as long as you are individually responsible. Responsibilities adhere on very roles. Devoting almost all your time for yourself and for being a clubwoman might be dreadful for you and for your family. Because most of us believe that love does not only constitutes to only one but for all the things and beings surrounding us. Balanced time would be greatly a better one making you a perfect clubwoman and a perfect partner as well.

Saturday, September 28, 2019

Formative and Summative Assessment Essay

Assessment is a term that includes all of the various methods used to determine the extent of an individual’s achievement. In teaching and learning situation, assessment refers to the methods used to determine achievement of learning outcomes. Similarly in professional contexts, assessment is concerned with the achievement of professional standards or competence.(Aranda & Yates,2009). Assessment also provides a number of major benefits including: †¢ Grading: assessment may be used to define achievement and to measure the students’ preparedness for professional challenges. †¢ Motivation: assessment may focus on real learning by creating an opportunity that carries with it the rewards of completion or grades. †¢ learning process: assessment activities can guide individuals to learn and relearn subject content efficiently. †¢ Feedback: assessment provides opportunities for individuals to monitor the quality of their performance and identify areas for improvement. PURPOSE OF ASSESSMENT It is easy to become so immersed in the job of teaching that we lose sight the exact purpose of a assessment. There is then the possibility that we are overlooking another form of assessment which might be more appropriate. We actually assess students for quite a range of different reasons – motivation, creating learning opportunities, to give feedback (to both students and staff), to grade, and as a quality assurance mechanism (both for internal and external systems). Because all too often we do not disentangle these functions of assessment, without having really thought it through assessments are frequently trying to do all these things, to varying degrees.(Oxford Brookes University,2011). In fact it is arguable that while it is desirable for assessments meeting the first three of these functions to be conducted as often as possible, the final two do not need to be done anywhere near so frequently; it is simply important that they are done somewhere. The implications of this are that while an essay question, where all the answers are double marked and the marks count towards the students’ final grades, may fulfil all these functions, for all assessments to be this rigorous would be prohibitively expensive in staff time, while a peer-assessed seminar presentation, which does not count towards the students’ final grades but is simply a course requirement, could fulfil the first three functions and may not even require a tutor to be present. FORMATIVE ASSESSMENT Formative assessment is typically contrasted with summative assessment. The former supports teachers and students in decision-making during educational and learning processes, while the latter occurs at the end of a learning unit and determines if the content being taught was retained.(Wikipedia,2013). Formative assessment is not distinguished by the format of assessment, but by how the information is used. The same test may act as either formative or summative. However, some methods of assessment are better suited to one or the other purpose. CHARACTERISTICS OF FORMATIVE ASSESSMENT During formative assessment, learning is the shared goal of both teacher and student and alterations to the teaching and learning process take place as needed to further the goal. This allows both the teacher and the student the opportunity for assessment and improvement as an ongoing process instead of an end product. Formative assessments are assessments for learning, rather than assessments of learning, according to the Association for Supervision and Curriculum Development. Focused Formative assessments are focused on the learning process as well as the learning progress. While other assessments may only focus on the end result, formative assessments check the students progress consistently so that adjustments can be made to reach learning goals. Ongoing A formative assessment is consistent and ongoing throughout the learning process. It differs from assessments that focus on the end result. Ongoing assessments give both teachers and students the chance to make adjustments to teaching and learning strategies so learning ultimately takes place. Immediate While other forms of assessment focus on the end result, formative assessments provide immediate feedback to both teachers and students due to ongoing assessment practices. The immediate feedback teachers and students experience can be used to motivate and further learning. LIMITATIONS OF FORMATIVE ASSESSMENTS Although offering many benefits, effective formative assessment can be difficult to achieve at scale. It may be logistically impossible to provide detailed descriptive feedback for each student in a large class. Even with a smaller number of students to deal with, formative assessment is time-consuming as it requires significant, ongoing dedication and effort from the teacher to sustain. This is especially true when combined with the summative assessments teachers are required to complete. The layered accountability chain in education — student to teacher, teacher to school, school to district, etc. — creates systemic pressure for student performance to be objectively and comparatively measurable at each level. Formative assessment, by definition, doesn’t easily provide that kind of accountability. This explains why, although the advantages of formative assessment have been repeatedly articulated since the distinction between it and summative assessment was first made in 1967, empirical studies continue to show that very few teachers consistently make use of it in actual practice. SUMMATIVE ASSESSMENT Summative assessment measures attainment and allows for the recording of the learning progress. It usually takes the form of tests and examinations, though it is becoming increasingly common for summative assessment to include other tasks such as a project completed during the school year. This move away from assessments based on a single examination gives learners the opportunity to perform to the best of their ability. Not all learners perform well under examination pressure. Furthermore,examinations do not always lend themselves to eliciting the range of language structures and uses that have been the objective of teaching CHARACTERISTICS OF SUMMATIVE ASSESSMENT The results of summative assessment allow us to determine the degree to which learners have attained specific learning objectives. Such a decision may have an important consequence on learners’ future prospects. It is therefore crucial that not only is the assessment valid, but that the results obtained are reliable. Validity relates to whether the assessment tasks assess what they intend to assess. Reliability, on the other hand, refers to the results obtained and whether these would be the same if the same learners took the assessment on another occasion provided that no further learning had taken place and regardless of who marked the assessment if more than one person was involved in the process.(Summative assessment,2005). Whether summative assessment is norm-or criterion-referenced will be determined by the purpose of the assessment. If we need to select the best candidates to, for example, continue with their education, then norm-referencing would be appropriate. However, if we are interested in whether candidates have mastered certain skills, then we would not get the required information through norm-referencing.(Meason) For example, when assessing airline pilots we are interested in whether they can fly a plane safely to a very high level of proficiency. Knowing which trainees were the best would not suffice since it is possible that no trainee of a given group would have reached the required standard to safely fly a plane LIMITATIONS OF SUMMATIVE ASSESSMENT Students can face anxiety in preparation for a test, an anxiety that grows as the perception of the test’s significance grows. Summative tests advise schools to commit to prolonged pretesting procedures and preparation classes, which can increase student anxiety.(Spiral). In addition, some students simply do not test well, and the result is a testing procedure that fails to adequately assess the real talents of individual students, while a formative assessment would allow a teacher to evaluate these conditions and better assess a student’s ability Summative assessments fan have an overall negative impact on student self-esteem, resulting from the perception of inferiority that standardized tests can give test-takers. Students who perform poorly on standardized tests were found to suffer from lower self-esteem in situations where these same students had not previously exhibited signs of self-esteem problems.(Boggiano,1992). Even students who perform average or well on standardized tests can suffer from the failure to meet their own higher expectations. The result can be a reduction in educational motivation.(Hammond). EXAMPLES OF FORMATIVE AND SUMMATIVE ASSESSMENT FROM TEACHING AND LEARNING PERSPECTIVE CONCLUSION In my view,both types of assessments are better,that is a balanced assessment.A balanced assessment system in one in which a variety of assessments are used for a variety of purposes and communications about results facilitates student involvement and ownership of learning.Formative assessment can be vital importance in helping the teacher and students determine the quality of learning that is taking place and can allow them to forecast the results of summative tests some time in advance of the summative testing.Such results can be used as the basis for altering the teaching learning situation early enough to change the immediate as well as alter the forecast. Learning is a process which can be observed and evaluated as it is taking place.Formative evaluation can be used to make the process more effective long before the summative evaluation.Recognition of  the interaction among formative evaluation teaching and learning and summative evaluation can do much to improve teaching and learning before it is too late. REFERENCES Aranda S,Yates P.An Overview of assessment.Canberra: (EdCaN),Australia;(2009).Retrieved from: Boggiano A,Pittman T. Achievement and Motivation: A Social-Developmental Perspective.(Eds).(1992).Cambridge Press.New York. Hammond,K.eHow.Education.Summative assessment weaknesses.Retrieved from: Meason C.eHow.Education.Characteristics of Formative assessment.Retrieved from Oxford Brookes University.(2011).Purpose of Assessment.Retrieved from: Spira M.eHow.Education.Disadvantages of Formative Assessment.Retrieved from Stiggins,R.,Arter,J.,Chappuis,S.(2008).Classroom assessment for student learning.Educational Testing Service.Retrieved from: ‎Summative assessment.(2005).Retrieved from Spira M.eHow.Education.Disadvantages of Formative Assessment.Retrieved from

Friday, September 27, 2019

Organisational performance development Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 3750 words

Organisational performance development - Essay Example To improve their financial performance, businesses have been expanding their operations to foreign markets. One such company is IKEA, whose story is captured in a case study developed by Kippenberger (1997). In this article, Kippenberger (1997) extols the IKEA’s virtues and ethos and its business models. In a similar article, Jonathan (1988) discusses the IKEA’s pricing strategies and compares it with other flat-pack retailers based in the UK. This paper examines the IKEA’s key attributes and suggests ways through which they can be enhanced to create wealth and improve shareholder value. 2. Background IKEA is one of the privately held companies operating worldwide, and it sells flat pack furniture, and bathroom accessories.. The company is renowned for its flat-pack design furniture, which it sells at affordable prices. The IKEA’s origin can be traced to 1943 in Sweden, but it has since grown to 301 stores most of which are located in Europe, North America , Asia and Australia. The name IKEA is an acronym of the originator Ingvar Kamprad and the farm and village where he grew at. The growth of the company has been phenomenal starting in the 1950s, the company printed its first advertisements which were aired on different mass media platforms. The 1960s saw the company expand its presence in the neighbouring countries: Norway and Denmark. In 1970s, the company continued with its rapid expansion program by opening up stores in Germany, Australia, Canada, Austria and the Netherlands. In the UK, the company opened its first store in 1990s, then followed by Poland, Czech Republic, UAE, US, Spain and China. At the turn of the 21st century the company sought to increase its influence by opening retail stores in Russia and Japan. Throughout the years, the company has weathered stiff competition to emerge as one of the greatest furniture manufacturer and provider. It uses the hybrid strategy to provide its clientele with a wide variety of prod ucts and services. In order to control its costs, IKEA has embraced a standardized process and such strategy has helped the company maintain solid financial performance even after the 2008 financial turmoil. According to Ivarsson and Alvstam (2001) the company financial success can be traced to a confluence of many factors including: innovation, efficient supply chain management, ability to respond fast to the market conditions and customers’ needs. This report seeks to examine some of the key features of the IKEA’s business operations while suggesting ways through which it could be strengthened. The company’s vision is to ensure customers enjoy better life while its mission is to provide buyers with well designed furniture at affordable prices. Beside providing customers with affordable goods and services, the other objective of the company is to ensure that the customers receive standardized services in all its stores. To be able to serve its growing clientele , IKEA has a well established organizational structure headed by the CEO and its corporate structure is divided into two: operations and franchising. 3. Innovation and organizational stability 3.1 Innovation Through the one-suit model the company has been able to improve the popularity of its offerings all over the

Thursday, September 26, 2019

Add SWOT , introduction , conclusion and executive summery Essay

Add SWOT , introduction , conclusion and executive summery - Essay Example With the current levels of globalization, the level of competition in the service industry has seen a tremendous increase. This has resulted from the ability of multinational industry to venture in different markets in the world. In addition, liberalization of the markers has also enabled these companies to diversify their operation. Also, flow of information and removal of tariffs by different countries can also be associated with increased levels of competition. This trend has necessitated the formation of a strong marketing department in every service industry which will be able to research on the changing consumption behaviors of customers and come up with better services in order to create customer loyalty. Service industries or the providers need to increase the competitive differentiation, productivity and the service quality. It is necessary to maintain a link between the desired service and the profit. Organization delivering services needs to make a profit for the growth of the organization in the future and to maintain a stable market share (Kumar, 2010). In the service industry, the perception of quality is much more important and dependent on the expectation of the customer rather than in the marketing strategies of goods. Lower expectation can however, make for the greatest satisfaction, and with it word of mouth is an important and vital in the journey towards the purchase of service. It is important to determine the target market and set an objective which would help the firm to determine the area which is of interest to the marketer (Greechie, 2008). The marketing objectives for a brand in the hospitality industry often includes customer satisfaction and gaining the trust of the customer which would increase the customer loyalty towards the brand and make the customers come back to the same brand again and again. The service sector chosen is the hotel industry, hospitality

Digestive system Lab Report Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Digestive system - Lab Report Example inactive form to active form: for instance pepsinogen (inactive form) to pepsin (active form); mucus helps to protect the stomach walls from corrosive effect of HCL. 3. Enzyme lactase helps in breakdown of lactose to simple sugars galactose and glucose; it does this by a process called hydrolysation whereby a molecule of water is released. Whole milk contains lactose this was broken down by enzyme lactase to galactose and glucose which led to increase of glucose concentration with time as more glucose was being released. Lactose-free milk stayed the same because it lacked lactose and lactase enzyme digests lactose only. 4. The pancreas is an organ that secretes pancreatic juice, a major digestive secretion. Alkaline pancreatic secretions help in neutralization of the acid chyme (food) from the stomach to a neutral or slightly alkaline pH; this is important because most pancreatic enzymes work best at slightly alkaline or neutral PH, excess acidic PH can also damage duodenal mucosa and cause ulcers. Pancreatic juice also contains enzymes, namely trypsin and chymotrypsin which digest proteins, lipase digests lipids to 3 fatty acids and glycerol and amylase for digestion of carbohydrates. 5. Gall bladder has three functions that are storage, concentration, and secretion of bile. Bile salts are important for emulsification of fats: the fats are broken into small droplets, and this increases surface area for more lipases to breakdown the fats to easily absorbable forms. Bile salts are alkaline; they neutralize the HCl in the chyme as it moves to the duodenum. Liver is associated with gall bladder function because it produces bile juice. 6. Chemical digestion and nutrient absorption in small intestines are dependent on each other digestive enzymes, and bile break food substances to absorbable materials which are absorbed into the blood systems through the walls of small intestines by either of these 3 processes - active transport, osmosis and diffusion, and in all

Wednesday, September 25, 2019

Management and Leadership of Disney's Magic Kingdom PowerPoint Presentation

Management and Leadership of Disney's Magic Kingdom - PowerPoint Presentation Example oday, it consists of water parks, theme parks, championship golf courses, resort hotels, and Disney vacation club properties together with sports complex and Downtown Disney. Disney’s Magic Kingdom has not only become the world’s most popular vacation destinations but also a huge contributor to the economy. The Success of the company can be reflected to the time of Walt Disney. His main aim was to make the company successful by producing unique, creative, and quality entertainment experiences. This can be highlighted by the success of the Mickey Mouse, the first full-length animated movie ever to be produced (Stewart, 2006). The success of the Magic Kingdom has prevailed in spite of several unsuccessful CEOs at the company. Over the years, the company has expanded its theme parks and reached high profits. However, the company has faced a number of challenges under Michael Eisner. Eisner’s leadership position at the company raised questions regarding Disney’s corporate governance. This reflects to the hiring and firing of Ovitz just fourteen months after his hiring (Lisa, 2012). There was incomplete communication to the board about the situation of Ovitz. The information infrastructure faced the challenge of who received what type of communication, the form of communication and frequency of communication. Another challenge was Eisner’s hiring of close friends as directors to maintain his support within the board. This implied that the company lacked proper mechanisms in the hiring of executive members. Furthermore, the situation at the company was compromised by the shareholders revolt that was pushed by Roy E. Disney to remove Eisner from the company’s leadership (Stewart, 2006). With the support of the board, he removed Eisner from chairmanship. This was a critical point in the company’s corporate governance since in its last two decades; it was uncommon to vote against the re-election of any member in public companies (Lisa, 2012). Eisner’s

Tuesday, September 24, 2019

The Roles of Computer Science Corporation in Homeland Security Assignment

The Roles of Computer Science Corporation in Homeland Security - Assignment Example In response to the letter, you wrote in regard to the private sector roles in Homeland security. I vindicate the following issues in reference to the above stated Company. Computer Science Corporation is a private firm that provides information technology (IT) services as well as professional services. Its headquarters are located in Virginia. The role of the Corporation to the Department of Homeland Security (DHS) has solely been on the provision of information regarding threats to cyber infrastructure. The advancement of the likely threats as well as the trends of emerging cyber threats to the country have in many occasions been availed by the company with the sole purpose of combating these threats. In addition, the corporation is also in partnership with other companies in various ISACs where they share information acquired through various sources. However, the company has faced numerous challenges. The quality of information received has been one of the major blows. Besides that, there have been legal constraints that have hampered sharing information since in case the information shared is flawed the corporation is likely to be used. In addition, the shareholders are skeptical in investing in incentives infrastructure that is not geared towards profit making. The DHS in collaborative effort should help in protecting companies in legal constraints that are related to situations where information availed is realized to be a flawed content. This will motivate various private entities in availing information without hesitation.

Monday, September 23, 2019

Social research methods Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words - 2

Social research methods - Essay Example Different types of statistics can be used to serve different purposes of the research. While descriptive statistics can be used to describe the data, statistical model can be used to forecast data. Researches that are aimed at finding relationship between variables can make use of statistical techniques such as correlation and regression. Difference between Descriptive and Inferential statistics, purpose of each and applications Descriptive statistics: Descriptive statistics can be defined as the set of tools and techniques that can be used to describe the quantitative features of a collection of data (Mann, 1995). The main purpose of using descriptive statistics is to summarize a data set. Statistics such as measures of central tendency, measures of variation, graphs, and bar charts etc are examples of descriptive statistics. The three most important types of descriptive statistics are: measures of central tendency, dispersion and distribution. While distribution is an indication of the frequency of specific values of a range of data variables, measures of central tendency such as mean and median are aimed at finding the center of the entire data set (Levin and Rubin, 2007). Measures of dispersions such as range or standard deviation are an indication of the spread of data set. Inferential statistics: Inferential statistics are the set of tools and techniques that can be used to draw inferences about a population from a small sample of data (Lane, 2011). The various examples of inferential statistics techniques include t-test, Analysis of Variance, Correlation analysis, regression analysis, factor and cluster analysis and discriminant function analysis etc. There are two types of inferential statistics: estimation testing and hypothesis testing. While in estimation testing, the confidence interval of a particular parameter is calculated using the sample, hypothesis testing is generally used to compare certain parameters in two or more samples or comparing a sa mple parameter to a specific value. A hypothesis can be defined as an assumption about a population parameter (Stattrek, 2011). The null hypothesis can be defined as the hypothesis of no difference or the hypothesis of status quo (Bajpai, 2009). The alternate possibility is called the alternate hypothesis. Hypothesis testing can be used by researchers to test certain theories that they want to prove. Frequency table and bar chart a. Ethnic origin Ethnic origin (5 groups) Frequency Percent Valid Percent Cumulative Percent Valid White 3746 91.1 91.5 91.5 Mixed race 35 .9 .9 92.3 Asian 179 4.4 4.4 96.7 Black 87 2.1 2.1 98.8 Other 48 1.2 1.2 100.0 Total 4095 99.6 100.0 Missing -8 16 .4 Total 4111 100.0 Table 1: Frequency table for ethnic origin As can be seen from the frequency table, the most common ethnic group is White. The next highest frequency of ethnic group is Asian with 4.4% of the data items. Another way of representing the data is using a bar chart. The graph below shows the bar chart for the data set: Figure 1: Bar chart for ethnic origin b. Education level The frequency table for the variable education level is shown below: Education Level - 2000 Frequency Percent Valid Percent Cumulative Percent Valid Higher Degree 147 3.6 4.6 4.6 First Degree 450 10.9 14.0 18.6 Teaching qualification 47 1.1 1.5 20.0 Other higher qualification

Sunday, September 22, 2019

Domestic Issues Faced By The United States Of America Essay Example for Free

Domestic Issues Faced By The United States Of America Essay Human Rights human rights in the United States has been criticized for their practices and policies. The record shows that human rights in the United States are complicated and controversial issue. Racial discrimination – Whether they are African American or Native American they are all human beings. Policy advice blacks should be treated equally and can have the same opportunities and protection from the government just like the whites get. Segregation of white and black is a good consideration too. Inhumane Treatment Death Penalty – human rights is the maximum and irreversible denial under the death penalty. It is controversial for its capital punishment. It is inhumane, cruel and unusual violation. Policy advice is to prohibit execution. Prison System – imprisonment of children and teenagers. A lot of mistreatment, rape, sexual abuse etc. Those behaviors are unlawful. Policy advice give medical care, stop prisoner rape, add more security and abolish death sentence. GLOBAL ISSUES FACED BY THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA Global Warming – ‘the earth’s temperature is rising’. Policy advice – we have to have a major sacrifices to solve the problem. Global Health Issues – ‘every year millions of people die needlessly because of poverty’. Policy advice – privatization of health system. World Hunger and Poverty Land Rights – ‘owning of land’. Policy advice – build a program to provide land ownership for the poor. Rainforest Destruction – one effect of the banana industry is ‘rainforest destruction and dependent economies. Policy advice – prioritize the local market before exporting. To conclude, it is important to know our rights in the society because each one of us is entitled to have our own niche in this country and even in this world. R E F E R E N C E S Free, Marvin D. Jr. (November 1997). The Impact of Federal Sentencing Reforms on African Americans 28 (2): pp. 268-286. Retrieved on 2007-05-31. http://en. wikipedia. org/wiki/Human_rights_in_the_United_States#cite_note-1 Anup Shah, Food and Agriculture Issues, GlobalIssues. org, Created: Monday, December 03, 2007 http://www. globalissues. org/food/

Saturday, September 21, 2019

Evaluation of Healthcare Practice

Evaluation of Healthcare Practice Lauren Lovett   In this portfolio the author will talk about the work practice organisation in terms of status and size in relation to the Irish economy and the world economy if it is applicable. The author will also summarize the work practice organisations structure, main aims and overall objectives. They will determine the organisations culture and values as demonstrated by the management practice and staff client engagement. The author will touch on the key factors that impact on the work practice organisation and give a review on the impact of relevant government policy on the work practice organisation. Another thing the author will do is to assess id social or ethical issues have affected the work practice organisation or may impact in the future, they will also comment on any impact to the work practice organisation in relation to economic and population shifts. Health safety and welfare as well as employment and equality were also covered. The author also explained the internal and the external policies. Portfolio The work place that the author done their experience in was in Saggart, Co. Dublin, the facility itself was very beautiful and well kept. There were 62 beds in the nursing home and two double rooms for couples. The nursing home is a private residential setting and it deals mainly with end of life care and the social understanding of clients, It is a highly recommended nursing home. This nursing home differs from other nursing homes because it is private, meaning that it is more expensive but the quality of care in the authors opinion is more evident as it is a small enough facility. The nursing home is a two story building that includes two dining rooms. There are 42 bedrooms downstairs and the rest of the bedrooms are upstairs, the bedrooms that are upstairs are mainly to accommodate people who have life limiting illnesses. Each bedroom in the nursing home has its own private bathroom so that the clients can feel at home, the bedrooms are quite big and they consist of a bed, bedside table, locker and a wardrobe. The clients also have safes in their bedroom if they would like to put anything in just so that they can feel safer in the environment.   In comparison to other private nursing homes the author feels as though it is an amazing facility as it is only a year open. From research the author has found there to be many problems with other private nursing homes according to the HIQA reports, the author also got information from their peers regarding the quality of care that was being delivered in the nursing homes that they were doing their work practic e in and the author feels as though the nursing home they have been doing their work practice in has a lot more to offer. The private sector is not a very large part o the community in Ireland and people would be much more inclined to go public regarding their healthcare as it is cheaper and the finances are managed by the government instead of just one person or a number of people controlling all of the finances. The author thinks that the public would benefit more from the private sector, although more expensive. There are many different reasons from this but the main one being the quality of care that is given, and being able to be a part of an organisation that can make their own decisions regarding the welfare of their company. The nursing homes support scheme is a way that the funding can be helped for people who need long term care in a nursing home and it allows them to go private and the government will fund the cost, although it is not an easy list to get on the author thinks that it is a great improvement. To be a HCA you need the equivalent of a QQI level 5 in healthcare, this entails having 8 modules completed successfully as well as having manual handling, first aid, end of life care and patient handling courses completed. Most nursing homes/ hospitals may ask that more qualifications be acquired, for example training in dementia. Portfolio The nursing home the author completed their work experience in had their own personalised mission statement. The ethos at Millbrook manor nursing home is to provide our residents with the highest level of quality of life that is achievable. The nursing home makes it very clear that respect and dignity are the most important things that they have to offer and they make it clear that each client will be treated as a member of their own family would be. The nursing home is committed to working closely with each and every resident, and ensuring that their individual needs are met. The ideal situation would be to create an environment that feels just like home within a safe environment. They focus on promoting the independence of their residence, personally, medically, psychologically, socially and spiritually by continuing to lead their own everyday life within their own capabilities. Our values What we do is important. We respect, support and strive to improve the communities we serve. We are honest, fair and ethical in everything we do. We recognise and appreciate the individual in all of our residents and staff. We accept responsibility for our actions. We make life and work meaningful and enjoyable for all. Portfolio Evaluate the impact of globalisation and new technology and science on the work practice organisation. Globalisation in the nursing home is a massive thing, there are many different cultures that are mixed into the one community and although some residents are traditional and do not agree with this there has never been a problem regarding the social acceptance or treatment as both residents and staff and mixed cultures. The service that is provided in the nursing home is provided in other places around the world that would accommodate for Irish people Technology is progressing very fast within the healthcare community, in nursing homes there is now a system app called V-care which allows the staff to click into profiles of each client and tick in boxes to ensure that they have been assisted. This has also helped with the time frame that healthcare professionals have to keep to within work, it has helped with deadlines and it also allows other carers to see if a person has been assisted or not. In the nursing home that the author was completing their work experience in they did not hear of any new scientific advancement. The impact that the recent recession has not really impacted the nursing home at all in relation to funds as it is not on a public sector, there are also schemes in place to allow for the clients to be able to afford a bedroom in the nursing home, despite the recession it was agreed that these funds would not be cut at all. The government, although reluctant to fund any schemes that may involve the private healthcare sector. There are multi nationalities as part of the staff as well as the clients, Most of the staff in the work place are from another culture or have different religious view than some of the patients, this does not seem to cause any problems as the staff respect the wishes of the patients and vice versa. Discrimination is not a problem within the work place as everybody respects each other and the main purpose of the nursing home is to show respect and promote social interaction, this helps with a lot of patients who may not enjoy company of others as it is required that they be up and not in bed all day, this does not help the patients in any way. Portfolio The point of health and safety is to ensure that; Secures improve the safety, health and welfare of people at work. The requirements for the control of safety are met and reached within the work place. The people in charge (management) ensure that everything possible is done to achieve solutions and that the regulations are met. The roles and responsibilities of employers and employees are regarded as proper. Safety statements are statements that are to be filled out, they must list all of the control measure that are to be taken and how to avoid hazards, the people who are responsible for implementing and maintaining these measures must be named. It must also contain plans to deal with emergencies or serious/imminent risk cases, the HCA must also list the names of each of the safety representatives. Conclusion In this portfolio the author has talked about the work practice organisation in terms of status and size in relation to the Irish economy. The author has also summarised the work practice organisations structure, main aims and their overall objectives. They will determine the organisations culture and values as demonstrated by the management practice and staff client engagement. The author has touched on the key factors that impact on the work practice organisation and gave a review on the impact of relevant government policy on the work practice organisation. Another thing the author has done is assess if the social or ethical issues have affected the work practice organisation or may impact in the future, they have also commented on any impact to the work practice organisation in relation to economic and population shifts. Health safety and welfare at work as well as employment equality were also covered. The author has also explained the internal and the external policies.

Friday, September 20, 2019

Anti-Italian American Prejudice and Discrimination

Anti-Italian American Prejudice and Discrimination Mezzogiorno Nearly three-fourths of all Italian immigrants to the United States came from the southernmost provinces of Italy. Known as Il Mezzogiorno, it was the countrys most impoverished region, with the illiteracy rate at a staggering 70 percent in 1900, and longstanding oppression from Italys Northern-dominated government. Southern Italian economy relied on agriculture, but natural disasters of volcano eruptions and earthquakes in the early 20th century devastated what little cultivatable land there was (Mintz, 2007). Unable to sustain tolerable living conditions, most became migrant workers. Between the years of 1876 and 1924, nearly 5 million Italians arrived in the United States (Pozzetta, 2008). About one-fourth remained in New York City, while more than half settled in the middle Atlantic states and New EnglandMany Italian immigrants had no plans of establishing permanent homes in the United States. Most were young men who left behind their wives and children with hopes of brief absenc e-they would find employment, collect their pay, and return home. They lived prudently in conditions that were regarded as intolerable by ordinary American families (Mintz, 2007). Commonly working unskilled jobs in construction and public development, roughly half of the Italian immigrant population in the early 1900s was made up of manual laborers (Microsoft Encarta Online Encyclopedia, 2009). Although the United States appealed to emigrating Italians as the best prospective destination to find work, Gambino (2002) asserts that American industry sought immigrants to replace the emancipated slave class. Many Italian immigrants in the North took positions in sweatshops and factories, while others were recruited to work on Southern plantations where slave labor had since been abolished (LaGumina, 1999). However, those in larger urban areas often found dominance in skilled artisan trades they had once practiced in Italy, such as shoemaking, tailoring, and barbering (Pozzetta, 2008). Th ough still generally confined to a lower class, many Italian immigrants found solidarity in highly concentrated ethnic neighborhoods (Mangione Morreale, 1993). Little Italies The emergence of Little Italies was prompted in large part by the intolerance and hostility that Italian immigrants faced in mainstream American society (Pozzetta, 2008). A working class minority that was defined by some as not quite white (Microsoft Encarta Online Encyclopedia, 2009), or the missing link between black and white (Borsella, 2005), they often faced discrimination in housing opportunities. Italian immigrants themselves were slow to seek assimilation because traditionally, la famiglia (the family) and lordine della famiglia (the rules of behavior and responsibility to the family) came before any affiliation with a larger-scale community (Mintz, 2007). This resistance began to fade as subsequent generations strayed from the strict codes of their parents. With the dawn of World War II, more than 500,000 Italian Americans served in the U.S. military, proving to many that their loyalties to the country were strong. By the 1950s it seemed that Italian immigrants, now secure i n identifying as Italian Americans, had found a true home in the United States (Pozzetta, 2008). Anti-Italian prejudice however, though less pronounced, still endured. Dating back to the early 20th century and the apex of the groups immigration, society and popular culture have attached a number of stereotypes to Italian Americans. Arguably the most distinctive stereotype is that of association with La Cosa Nostra, or the American Mafia (Pozzetta, 2008). Released in 1972, the critically-acclaimed and wildly popular film The Godfather became the archetype of Hollywoods Mafia movie industry, depicting Italian Americans as ruthless criminals, a label that had long vilified their ethnic identity. Many Italian Americans, after having fought the stereotype for decades, came to embrace the Mafia image that had captivated American moviegoers and provided a highly profitable new avenue for filmmakers. The 1990s introduced the film Goodfellas (1990) and the television series The Sopranos (199 9), both of which reinforced the hardcore gangster image (Borsella, 2005). Other predominant Italian American stereotypes in film and television often still include the feisty young woman with a taste for gaudy fashion, the lovable womanizer, and the overweight matriarch with excessive jewelry and a pot of spaghetti (Pozzetta, 2008). Nonnina Although I identify more with American culture in my everyday life, I do embrace my Italian American heritage.In some sense, I connect with my roots in an Americanized way, and I have no problem in laughing at the some of the stereotypes that accompany it. A few mob movies are actually among my favorites. Though I know authentic Italian cuisine, I do enjoy eating at Olive Garden and ordering deliveries from Pizza Hut once in a while.I still call my grandmother Nonni, which is short for nonnina, a term affectionately meaning little grandmother.

Thursday, September 19, 2019

Televisions Should Be Unplugged :: essays research papers

Why Televisions Should Be Unplugged   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  I believe all the televisions in America should be unplugged, and we should become a nomadic, goat-herding race- well, maybe not the part about the goat herding. Anyway, television programming is corrupting our youths' minds; they are being stupefied and are becoming virtual vegetables as they are molded by the programs they view to be lazy, selfish, and to forsake all their moral and ethical values. The so called â€Å"entertainment value† to the shows is what's hurting us; kids mimic what they see on t.v., which includes violence, murder, rape, etc.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Children's grades drop drastically when tuning in to their favorite cartoon takes priority over completing their math or other schoolwork. The effects may also carry over into the next day, when they re-enact their favorite scene of the previous night's episode of Power Rangers on the playground, often resulting in the injury of several poor kids. Obviously such programs are counter-productive to the educational process.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Teen violence is on the rise at an exponential rate. Many teens watch action movies such as Terminator and its sequel or the Die Hard trilogy and conjure up bright ideas to go vandalizing or attacking innocent people. This is especially true when speaking of the gang situation that is currently plaguing our nation. Before the era of the television, crime like the kind we now have was virtually non-existent.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Obesity is another indirectly related effect of television on our bodies for people of all ages. The term â€Å"couch potato† adequately suits people who would rather watch Cindy Crawford tone and firm her buns than get off theirs. If there's a welt in you favorite spot on the couch that is a perfect outline of your backside, it's a good indicator that you need to get out and do something.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  An awkward issue I want to discuss deals with programs with adult content and their accessibility to children. They are learning vitally important issues like the â€Å"bird & bees† and other things regarded as taboo from the â€Å"boob tube.† That's not the problem, though.

Wednesday, September 18, 2019

Breakwater Essay -- Marine Infrastructures

Conventional breakwaters are massive in size and generally associated with large scales in construction materials, effort and cost. The development of large breakwater schemes with poor design and management may trigger a number of adverse effects on neighbouring coastal environment, e.g. large amount of wave reflection, alteration of beach morphology, water quality deterioration and change of marine ecosystem. To alleviate the above problems, various ingenious designs of light-weight breakwaters have been proposed, tested and constructed in the past as alternatives to the conventional breakwaters, one of which is the free surface breakwaters. Free surface breakwaters are essentially barriers located near the water surface where the energy flux is maximal. The total height of such barriers is usually far smaller than the water depth which helps water circulation around the structures. These barriers can be constructed on a group of piles driven into sea floor, or held floating as floating breakwaters. Wave reflection and dissipation are the primary energy damping mechanisms inherited by these barriers. Free surface breakwaters are most suitable to be built at semi-protected sites where the soil condition is poor. The present investigation is motivated by the construction of bottom-mounted semicircular breakwaters in Miyazaki Port (Japan), Tianjin Port (China) and Yangtze River Estuary (China) for sea defence. Extensive studies on such breakwaters were undertaken by several researchers from Japan, China and India, e.g. Tanimoto et al. (1989), Sasajima et al. (1994), Xie (1999), Dhinakaran et al. (2002), Yuan and Tao (2003) and Zhang et al. (2005). Although a number of studies have been reported in the literature associated with... ...hat comprise a large number of discrete constituents for energy dissipation. Examples of such breakwaters are multiple-layer breakwater (Wang et al., 2006) and porous-pile breakwater (Hsiao et al., 2008). These structures are usually highly porous to water flow, resulting in relatively small wave reflection and the horizontal wave forces on the structures. One of the major concerns in the design of marine infrastructures is the navigation safety adjacent to the breakwaters. In many cases, it is important to keep the amount of wave reflection in front of the breakwater to the minimal. The majority of the abovementioned breakwaters mainly serve as wave reflectors. It is hoped that the free surface semicircular breakwater considered for the present research would yield better performance characteristics by producing low reflection and desirable wave attenuation.

Tuesday, September 17, 2019

The Adulteress & adulteress order

Because this portion of the gospel of John (John 7:53-8:11) does not appear in many ancient manuscripts, many scholars regard it as highly questionable (i.e. whether inspired and therefore must be included in the whole gospel of John) as to its place in the New Testament canon. Moreover, the so-called church fathers, in their writings, did not have comments for they did not, in the first place, refer to this portion of the currently widely accepted as John’s gospel.And so, early manuscripts’ (the copies of the original) forms do not include 7:53 to 8:11. If ever this periscope appears in some of the early copies, it is there in a special position, and just like many scholarly journals today, it has asterisk markings at its opening and also at its ending.Some even believe it to be Luke’s writing rather than John’s because of its structure, of which, obviously very unlikely. When one will just read through before and after, without any hunch regarding these scruples among scholars, one will not sense any inconsistency nor anything different in this contested portion.It is as much the writing of John like all of the other parts and chapters in the gospel (Constable, 2000). The pertinent question now which bears upon the readership of the gospel of John is whether this portion to be taken as authentic part of the whole (i.e. part of the inspired word of God) or not.Well, it is now beyond any shadow of doubt that the gospel of John is without a doubt the gospel of John. 1) Why was this small portion contested among scholars, 2) Why is it now well-established as authentic part, and 3) What spiritual truths is John 7:53-8:11 conveying to its readers, are the issues which will be dealt in what follows.John 7:53-8:11 – A Contested PortionAs what has been said above, scholars debate relentlessly over this portion ever since the canonicity of the New Testament scriptures has been studied. And so, because this issue has been put forth, th e concerned matter must be settled once and for all for the benefit of those who are/would be affected by it.Those who have been, at least, given the background of the gospel of John, know that the basic truth about this gospel is that it, like all the rest of the books of the canonized scriptures, was a product of the process of numerous copyings of the original autograph of its author. In the ancient biblical times, there were no publishing companies nor printing machines, and computers, as what modern day world has for its use today.Hence, the way that a manuscript was made public in those days was through the then called copyists. These professionals (they were also called â€Å"scribes†) would copy the original copy; and most of the times, because certain materials were fragile (like the papyrus) and would not last for long periods of time, these scribes would recopy the â€Å"copies† of the original.The copies nevertheless were received as good as the original by the recipients. The trustworthiness of the scribes were a given and beyond doubt in those days. The same is the case with other non-biblical writings. Such classics as the Iliad by Homer, Socrates’ Apology, Antiquities of the Jews by Josephus, and others like the historical accounts written by known ancient Roman historians, etc., were all copied and recopied.The only marked difference these ancient manuscripts have which is in total contrast to the manuscripts of the Bible is that they (i.e. non-biblical classics) are received today without cynicism by the critics. This is very much unlike any biblical manuscripts. And so, John’s gospel as it is today is a copy of many copies. Before it reached its current forms with its many translations in many different languages, it had undergone numerous recopyings.When early Christian scribes were in the process of putting together the inspired books, and when they go through John’s gospel (like perhaps the translators w ho were commissioned by King James in 1600), they incorporated the parts which they saw were rightfully belonging to John. Some of them, as was mentioned in the Introduction portion, expressed their misgivings by making this portion of John (7:53-8:11) appear like an appendix or footnote.The whole background of this pericope has made it to be irresistibly taken as it actually is (whether it was then a well established oral tradition or something else), a narrative which is to be taken as real incident which actually happened at certain point in the life of the Savior.However, in any ways, this questionable portion (for definite reason of providence) has eventually become part of John’s gospel and not anywhere in the so-called synoptic gospels (Matthew, Mark, and Luke). And so, the gospel of John is like it is today because of careful and responsible consideration on the part of the translators (McArthur, 2009).Beyond Reasonable Doubt – A Part Of John’s GospelThe re are practical considerations which can be helpful to anybody considering the issue of authenticity of John 7:53-8:11. First to be considered is the fact that it does not interrupt the flow of John’s style of writing. It actually fits his writing style.It would be observed that from chapter 5 through chapter 8, John’s pattern has been presenting a scene or incident and then proceed to Jesus’ teaching or elaborating spiritual truths. John 7:53-8:11 flows out of the same said pattern of the author. Another thing to be considered is the fact that it never (the truths taught in this pericope) contradicts the teachings of the whole Scripture.In fact, it reinforces the well-established truths about God and Jesus in the entire inspired Scripture. Being thus (John’s original writing and God’s authentic revelation), why should it be left out or considered not a genuine part of the revelation God is giving to humanity.To excise this important portion from the gospel is to deprive many of a very important account in the life of Christ which reinforces the fact of his grace towards sinners and the reality of hypocrisy which so often illusively deceives and eats the best of the religious sector of the human populace. It ought to be studied and meditated and benefited from as much as the other portions of the Bible.Apostle John wrote it to point out an occasion in the life of Jesus while ministering and backs his claims of Jesus’ divinity, it supports the whole biblical revelation, and it is legitimate part of the gospel and important part of God’s revelation.The attitude therefore among its readers should be an attitude of trust and assurance (and without any hint of a doubt) that the story of the adulteress and those Pharisees who caught her in an actual adulterous situation (probably, she’s a prostitute), who then brought her to Jesus interrupting his discourse in the temple, was a historical and inspired narrativ e of John.Spiritual TruthsOne more note as to its questionable legitimacy. Veteran pastor and scholar in his own right, John McArthur critically observed that probably the reason for early scholars hesitation to include John 7:53-8:11 was its seeming contradictory presentation of the Old Testament’s treatment of adultery (McArthur, 2009).The story appears to be condoning the adulteress for her sinful act. It seems to violate the holiness of the Savior himself. Well, it only appears to be when looked at superficially. Actually, there’s a lot to be seen and discovered in this passage. When it is treated properly, important truths about God and his redemption would surface and become obvious to the observant eyes.The scenario presented here does in no way introduce Jesus as one who disregards the issue of the woman’s life of immorality. John’s intention was not to put Jesus in a bad light. He was upholding as he writes all along the fact that God hates all f orms of sin – adultery included. The issue, however, that was pertinent to John at the moment of his writing, was not whether adultery should be tolerated or not.The issue being treated here was the Pharisaic attitude of hypocrisy. What really was happening at this point of Jesus Christ’s life and ministry was that the religious sector of the Jewish population were getting incensed at him, more especially, the Sanhedrin (this political group consisted mainly of the Pharisees).At this particular point in time, there was already a plot to assassinate Jesus. And so, speaking in context, John was highlighting at the background of his presentation of Jesus as God in the flesh, the fact that there was already a very serious hostility building among the religious and political leaders of Israel. John was trying to convey here this reality of the whole situation (7:53-8:4).This arrangement has supposed to have prepared everyone who has been following the narratives in this gos pel to the spiritual truths and lessons it is conveying.1.) Christ’s Wisdom & Humility. The first to note here about Jesus is his incredible wisdom. He knew full well what was going on in the background. He knew the Pharisees’ true intentions. Yet, in spite of this, he was able to compose himself in genuine humility. Remember that Jesus was introduced by Apostle John as God the Creator.God himself incarnated in human flesh. Look at how Jesus responded to the whole thing – the evil scheming and maneuvering all directed against this God who became flesh. If   this truth about Jesus is upheld at this junction of his life in this occasion involving all these characters in this narrative while reader reads, a deep and profound awe and admiration would inevitably overpower him/her.It’s difficult to comprehend and unbelievable to see God in the flesh in such humble attitude enduring unjustifiable hostility in the midst of the people he created. Jesus’ p rofound wisdom and humility cannot be elaborated nor will ever be explored completely in its full sense in any study of the Scripture.His wisdom and humility as they were both revealed can only be benefited from through the profound lessons they exude as they come from the fact that God the Creator showed them in his humanity.2.) Christ’s Forgiveness. This narrative shows how much God can forgive. It also shows the fact that God is not impressed with hypocritical observance of his laws and cannot be swayed by man’s superficial understanding of his commands.God who planned redemption understands in the first place the sinfulness of man – how sin has actually corrupted the entire human race. And so, in his incarnation, he knew the deception of Israel’s spiritual leaders. He knew they were self-deceived.The lesson then being conveyed in this story of the adulterous woman is the fact of humanity’s deluded perception of itself; even the best of its repr esentatives – the religious Pharisees. No one here in this incident is sinless in the eyes of Jesus.Yet, as the story unfolds, he was seen forgiving even the obvious adultery of this woman. As was noted earlier in this paper, this passage of John is not meant to condone adultery. The passage is critical of hypocritical righteousness as well as it condemns the sin of adultery in the life of the woman. Overruling all these sins is the fact that God forgives.THE STORY OF THE ADULTERESS (7:53-8:11) INTERERRUPTS THE TABERNACLES DISCLOSURES BUT HAS THEOLOGICAL CONNECTIONS WITH IT. HERE IS A CASE WHERE MANUSCRIPT EVIDENCE IS SIGNIFICANT. THIS IS PROBABLY A FLOATING GOSPEL PERICOPE WHICH ENTERED JOHN (AND LUKE) LATE.References:1. McArthur, John. John Volume 3 (12 Part Series) Jesus Confronts Hypocrisy: A Study of John 7:53-8:11 Code: 1519. Date Accessed: May 12, 2009 at Constable, Dr. Thomas L. Notes on John. 2000 Edition. Published by DTS Publications.

Monday, September 16, 2019

Image Of Pakistan Word Fmt

Mostly, we protest against the wrong image of Pakistan portrayed in the world and international media. But if we judge ourselves in the same balance as other holds, it will become clear, without any doubt, that the Image the world holds of us is actually the right one. We were not born the hatred. We our self are the true butchers and barbarians and our actions presents it well. We act than we think, I'm sorry I don't mean it, because we just act and act, why should we think when we know that our state is down enough, and can easily handle this havoc and loss. Oral think, we are just a crowd of illiterate avengers.And sorry to say, yes we are. Must mention one most tragic event here, A few months ago a short-film was released on internet which was said to be anti-lilacs, and it hurt the global community Of Muslims. I hate that movie as, much as any of a Muslim will, But what did our people did? They went violent on the streets of Pakistan. An anti;lilacs film, wonder how it justify b urning a cinema down to ashes in Appeaser. But then we came to know that it was released on internet, Thanks God internet is safe and can't b urn, other wise the world would be downloading ashes on their desktop.We starts a protest in peaceful manner. Butts said we starts, the way we end up with is extremely horrible. We are very precise in sealing all the roads and passages around. We love to barb all the public transport not only public but also private vehicles which are owned by someone Pakistani and most probably a Muslim. Its not done yet, we don't even spare our street lights and traffic signals, because street light wastes electricity and we already lack it, and for traffic signals every one knows we don't bother them. How can we defend our Prophet (PUB) by torching and firing our own homeland, what just happened?Damage to property and loss of life caused to the peoples who had just nothing to do with it, what about them? Did their sacrifice just save the day ? No, we need t o think of our self and our behavior. We are intended to do exactly opposite to the thing which it need to be done. For example if there is a signboard saying please don't look on the back of this board then every person will, no matter hoe busy he is will make some time to inspect the back side of the road. So, now some one can exactly guess our actions at any appeal. What exactly are we? Admit that we look exactly like Humans, but do we act like humans? Do we have humanity? Do we care if, what would any other nation will think about us? We must not blame our Government because a government is only a reflection of people. We must put ourselves into effort.

Sunday, September 15, 2019

Tokyo Moulding Company in Malaysia

1. 0 Introduction This is a study about the worldwide expansion activity of a firm in Asian region. The basic motive or aim of this study is to gain extra knowledge on international business management throughout the interview with the decision maker of that particular internationalized firm. Basically, all basic information obtained is generally come from the interviewee. Nevertheless, we had some help from the internet as well in conducting this study to enhance all the missing point that we might not consider during the interview.Next, from all information we obtain from any resources, we had done an analysis on this internationalized firm, Tokyo Mould Shd. Bhd. The tools used in the analysis include SWOT analysis, CAGE framework and market entry strategy to conduct a full analysis on all aspect regarding the strength, weakness, opportunity, threat, cultural influences, political issue, geographical issue, economical issue, and entry mode or strategy imply.During analysis by using the tools that mentioned earlier, each tools will explain the issue in detail including the advantages or disadvantages, reason and etc, to ensure reader to have a perfect understanding from all aspect such as strength of company, weakness and etc. All explanation is based on facts and data obtained. Extract from analysis tools, we are able to categorized the priority of this firm in this market or industry, able to identify the problem faced by this firm as well and determine the strategy to overcome the problems or obstacles along the path in international business.Next, we will conduct some recommendation for this particular company by suggesting some ideas which are able to improve company operations and some idea to fix some of the problems that occur to this company. Also, some personal opinion such as agree in some business strategy done by Tokyo Mould is listed in the recommendation part. Finally, we conduct a conclusion from overall data obtain by inserting brief justifica tion base on analysis, suggestion and recommendation to finalize our case study. 2. 0 Company Background Tokyo Mould Shd.Bhd is small and medium enterprise which mainly focus on Moulding business. It is currently located at Pulau Pinang, Malaysia. It is establish since the year 1985 according to our interviewee, Mrs. Lim Siew Lee. Mrs. Lim Siew Lee is one of the present owner of this company. She is the wife of the owner of this company and she had worked in this company for 20 over years with her husband. Her main duty in this company are accounting, managing staff, financing and others documentations work task. Basically, Tokyo Mould Shd. Bhd have clients from oversea including Thailand, Japan and U.K which Japan is the main customer. Japan is the first country Tokyo Mould approach due to the introduction from others business partner. The first deal was made with Japan after the inspection of Tokyo Mould’s product quality by a Japan representative which came to Malaysia to examine not only the product quality but as well as the whole operation environment indeed. Fitting all the requirement of Japan is the main reason of the success of Tokyo Mould to enter the Japan Market. Exporting is the entry mode for Tokyo Mould to internalized the business.The reason for using such entry mode is because this company had experienced failure by forming joint venture with others before. It was 10 years ago from present that this company is actually form a joint venture with LEE HENG Mould Sdn. Bhd. Back then, business was corrupted due to economic crisis and forming joint venture doesn't seems to have any help in overcome the problems. Instead, it is a burden when problems occur to the joint venture partner according to Mrs. Lim. Also, Tokyo Plastic Mould Shd. Bhd is the previous company name before the business corrupt due to economic crisis.In present, Tokyo Mould is now strive to achieve the best services and create the best product quality and aim to expand bus iness by establish own subsidiaries at foreign region in the future. 3. 0 ANALYSIS (Tools) We have interviewed one of the decision makers of Tokyo Mould Sdn Bhd and discovered issues faced by the company. From there, we did a few analyses to help overcome those issues that the company is encountering. Firstly, we started off with the SWOT analysis. 3. 1 SWOT STRENGTHS- most affordable and reasonable price- using U.S dollar currency for business transaction – experienced (20 years)| WEAKNESSES- brand not famously well-known in the foreign country- manufacture imperfect pattern (loses money)- late payment by the debtor| OPPORTUNITIES- capable for global expansion- growing future revenue| THREATS- competitors (product volatility, competitive prices)- economy crisis| 3. 1. 1 STRENGTHS Tokyo Mould offers the most affordable and reasonable price compared to other companies from the same industry.The price factor enables Tokyo Mould to compete with other competitors in the market. N ot only that, this advantage leads to customer preferences to be in the list of choices for company selection. Many business organization’s aim is to ensure that the profit of the product is more than the cost of the manufacture. Plus, every business transaction that Tokyo Mould deals with the international company is using U. S dollar currency. According The Star Online, 1 U. S Dollar is equivalent to RM3. 1590. (The Star Online, Retrieved 4th November 2011 from Exchange Rate) Website: http://biz. thestar. com. y/business/exchange. asp. It is an advantage for Tokyo Mould because by using U. S Dollar, it is easier to standardize its mould cavity and their values. Not forgetting, one of their strengths of Tokyo Mould is their expertise in this business. Tokyo Mould has been running in the market for 20 years now. This clearly shows that they are experienced and professional in their business line. 3. 1. 2 WEAKNESSES Even though Tokyo Mould has been in the market for 20 years b ut its name is not widely known by the public especially in the foreign country. This is due to the existing company from the same business line.Most probably is because of the poor marketing strategy by Tokyo Mould. They mainly focus on the ongoing process and try to maintain their loyal customers. Another one of their weaknesses is that the defect product caused by the worker. Sometimes during the Moulding process, the outcome of the pattern is not perfect as its design. Therefore, the product cannot be used and been rejected. This cause loses of money to the company. Most difficult part of this business is the late payment by the debtor. Tokyo Mould has to tolerate to the policies and procedure of the debtor.There are companies which apply to the finance policies and procedures of payment after 45 to 180 days depending of the total amount of the product purchased. 3. 1. 3 OPPORTUNITIES By doing this business, it has a great opportunity for Tokyo Mould to expand its business globa lly. Tokyo Mould’s business has gradually growing and earning profit as the years goes. Many international companies prefer to import products from Asia countries because of lower cost expenditure. Tokyo Mould is capable to fit in the criteria as they have full equipment and labor force to conduct the business.In conjunction with Tokyo Mould’s objective to gain more profit, fame and resources, going global gives a great opportunity for growing future revenue to expand its company globally. 3. 1. 4 THREATS Most threatening factor that Tokyo Mould is facing frequently is the competitor from the same company such as Sony and Broubybrown. Competitors produce more advanced and creative products seasonally. Not forgetting, competitive prices by the competitors. It is difficult for Tokyo Mould to decide on the best price to compete with others. Plus, the condition of the economy is unpredictable.Tokyo Mould has encountered economic crisis in the year 1990. That causes them a down fall but fortunately due to the economy stable come back, they are doing fairly well now. 3. 2 CAGE distance framework. CULTURE- Fulfill promises- Prefer things get done on time- Tokyo Mould priorities customers need| ADMINISTRATIVE- management policy not affected- minimal tax charges| GEOGRAPHICAL- prefect courier services so far- forgivable delay if occurs| ECONOMIC- using U. S dollar currency- economic crisis- loses money due to defect | 3. 2. 1 CULTUREThe Japanese customers are quite fussy in making deal. However, it is a good thing for both parties. The Japanese want their products to get done on time and do not give in to any delay and defects of the products. By this culture, the Japanese managed to get their things done in time whereas Tokyo Mould can proceed with other deals. Plus, Tokyo Mould priorities their customer and always try their best to fulfil customer needs. Tokyo Mould is towards allocentric. Tokyo Mould concerned with the interests of others instead of on e’s own. 3. 2. 2 ADMINISTRATIVEFor administrative issue, it does not affect the international business in terms of company policy as well as political issue or government invention. Basically, company policy do not affect business in overseas as it's only affect domestic region. Company policy of Tokyo Mould mainly focuses on employee commitment in aspect of work efficiency and personal attitude. All rules are generally similar with every small-medium enterprise as there will not much affect oversees business. As mention, Tokyo Mould chooses exporting as entry mode but not establish subsidiary in foreign region.Therefore, company policy doesn't affect much is because there is no foreign employee exist which they might not familiar with company policy as each company policy different from another especially in different country. As for political issue or government intervention, it is again because of the entry mode is exporting. There are only a few tax might charge along wit h transportation fee. Otherwise, there is not much issue occur according to our interviewee. 3. 2. 3 GEOGRAPHICAL For Tokyo Mould, there is not much geographical issue to be concern or causes trouble in business operation according to Mrs.Lim. In fact, she mentioned that she was very please and satisfies with current courier services. The basic exporting method is by using courier services such as FedEx Malaysia. From information obtain, there is seldom mistake happen before till present day. Only some small matter such as delay which is forgivable as it’s mostly causes by unexpected incident such as weather. Generally, geographical issue doesn't cause much trouble to Tokyo Mould is because Tokyo Mould does not have any subsidiary or forming any joint venture with foreign region.It is believe that only having subsidiary or joint venture with foreign country will cause troubles such as information delay due to high range of geographical area, transportation issue or delay in r ecovering data when a subsidiary incur a error of system with all information erased. 3. 2. 4 ECONOMIC Basically, Tokyo Mould uses U. S dollar currency for every business transaction. Tokyo Mould does not have problem with that as it they consider it as one of the advantage to earn more. However there is one threatening issue is the economy crisis.They have once experienced it and this situation is barely avoidable. It is part of business risk. 3. 3 STRATEGIES One of Tokyo Mould strategies for global expansion is by exporting. They started off with Japan and then followed by the U. K and Thailand. They use courier express such as DHL. So far their record is good and hardly any complaint is filed against the product and services of the end molding products. Tokyo Mould is more to direct exports where direct marketing and selling to the client is practiced. Tokyo Mould would not consider joint venture at this moment due to history.They have joined venture with LEE HENG Sdn Bhd that fo cuses on plastic, injection and molding but alas their business failed due to economic crisis. They lose a huge amount of money and forced to shut down the company. It was a crucial time for the Tokyo Mould owner. Currently they are not planning to have subsidiaries in international company because they have insufficient financial aid to set up their company in those respective countries that is dealing with right now. Maybe in the future, Tokyo Mould would consider this strategy once the Penang Company is really stabilized in domestic market.The co-owner, Ms Lim Siew Lee advised us that networking is the key in doing business internationally. This is so because the help of other big company has help SME Company like Tokyo Mould to experienced a chance to deal with international client. Furthermore, we are advised to be humble when doing business and keep our words with the clients. 4. 0 Recommendation (Analysis) After the SWOT and CAGE framework analysis, in my perspective, there a re some plans should be implemented by Tokyo Mould Sdn. Bhd. Firstly, Tokyo Mould an be consider is a very successful although this company does not have a very proficient business website, as Mrs. Lim told us, the most of the customers are introduced by others bigger company or business partner. Business website can be said have the potential for reaching a wider audience, regarding this, Tokyo Mould should upgrade their internet site about own company business, With a more proficient internet site, the product or service is accessible easily, the loyal customers or potential customers can 24 hours a day, 7 days a week update the Tokyo Mould latest information.These can convenience communications between Tokyo Mould and its customers in order to build a better business relationship around the world. Besides that, the reputation of the company can be increase, gained competitive advantages and can save a lot of money in communication and administrative cost through creating a qualit y business website. Secondly, after they start up the business, Tokyo Mould already entered their business in certain overseas countries such as Tokyo, Thailand and also UK, we can see the financial for this company can be consider stable.As Mrs. Lim mention earlier, the prices they offered enable Tokyo Mould to compete with other competitors in the global market and this advantage leads to customers preferences to be in the list of choices for company selection. Hence, Tokyo Mould can expand their business to other foreign country such as Indonesia, China and so on. Since the reason made Tokyo Mould move to international expansion is to gain more profit, fame and resources in the future, the company should take this action in their consideration in order to achieve to goals.Thirdly, from before till present day, Tokyo Mould only used exporting through courier express as their entry mode to enter international market. As Mrs. Lim mention earlier, this is because previously they trie d joint venture with other similar company and it doesn’t work so well. In my perspective, Tokyo Mould should try again joint venture with company that located in foreign countries, joint ventures often relate to the whole enterprise and could be the viable option to grow Tokyo Mould business without sacrificing what they have already built instead of a company may have less control when exporting their product into a foreign market.However, although joint venture more control is exerted, but the level of risk is also higher compared with through exporting. Last but not least, since the economic crisis issues if one the problem that Tokyo Mould often worrying, the company should control very well in their finance situation and cash flow in order to faced this kind of problem. As a conclusion, these are the suggestion and recommendation we can provide to Tokyo Mould Company after the interview analysis which is to create a more quality business website, expand business to more foreign country and also try to build joint venture with other foreign or local company. . 0 Conclusion As a conclusion, Tokyo Mould is a quite successful company in Moulding industry. Since the performance of the company keep growing in these few years, the company has the potential to become a bigger company in order to gain more profit, fame, and resources and also qualify to compete with their competitors. However, we discovered that are some challenge and obstacles encountered by Mrs. Lim such as economic crisis, Mould dimension defect and also competitors in running the company that are related with boots up the company performance.Besides that, networking is very important for Tokyo Mould as it is the tools to gain more international business regarding to its company performance. As Mrs. Lim mention earlier, networking, humble, keep the words is the key focus in doing business internationally, with the help of the business partner, Tokyo Mould only will have the chance to de al with international client and also expand the business globally.Moreover, every company have their strengths to cover up its company weaknesses, hence, Tokyo Mould must maintain its company strengths to conceal its company weaknesses, also keep seeking for the incoming opportunity to growth up their business and be aware of the uncertainty threats that will affect to their company business. By the way, when Tokyo Mould entered in international business, culture, administrative, geographical and economic issues should always in their mind to ensure no misunderstanding, misleading and miscommunication while making business with overseas clients especially Japan clients.Last, like I mention in recommendation, in order to get a better company performance, the company can create better quality of business website, try to joint venture with other company, and also expand the business to more overseas country. However, there is definitely barriers will incur when wider the business, the company can try to figure out the problem by using suitable strategy in order to overcome such barriers. 6. 0 References 1. (Banking, 2011) Banking, M. (2011). Exchange Rate. Retrieved November 08, 2011, from The Star Online: http://biz. thestar. com. my/business/exchange. sp 2. (Contact :Tokyo Mould Industries, 2002) Contact :Tokyo Mould Industries. (2002, March). Retrieved November 2011, from Tokyo Mould Industries: http://tokyolow. asiaep. com/contact. htm 7. 0 Appendices 7. 1 Verbatim Chris : Good morning madam Mrs.. Lim : Good morning Chris : Can you please introduce yourself? Mrs. Lim : Ok, my name is Lim Siew Lee, I’m one of the owner of this company, I’m 47. I’m also the wife of the company. Chris : Can you briefly tell us that what is your education background and your working experience in this particular company? Mrs.Lim : Well, my education background is only Form 5, I had worked in this company for 20 over years. My main duty in this company is acc ounting, managing staff, financing and also some documentation. Chris : Can you briefly tell me your company background? Mrs. Lim : Ok, as you know, my company is Tokyo Mould Shd Bhd. Our company mainly focus on Moulding business. We have clients from overseas like Thailand, Japan and U. K. We had established this company around 20 over years. 10 years back, our company name is Tokyo Plastic Mould Shd Bhd, that time we joint venture with LEE HENG Mould Sdn Bhd, the previously company ainly focus on plastic, injection and Moulding, but during the economic crisis time, we faced some financial problem and forced to shut down the company. After few years, we start up a brand new Mould company which is the current company. Chris : Ok, can you tell me which country is your company first internationalize? Mrs. Lim : Well, Japan is the first company we internationalize, because we get to know the first Japanese client from other business partner. After the Japanese client come to observe ou r product and service, they deal the first Moulding business with us and so on.Chris : So what is the reason had made your company move to first international expansion? Mrs. Lim : Because we want to gain more profit, fame and resources and our company now located at Penang, there are so many competitors existing like Sony, Broubybrown and so on. Chris : Which entry mode did your company use to expand internationally? What I mean is through something like exporting? Joint venture? Subsidiary? Or else? Mrs. Lim : Well, we only use export as our entry mode. This because previously we tried joint venture with other company, but it seem doesn’t work so well.So now we only export our Mould through courier express. Chris : Is there any advantages or disadvantages by using export as your entry mode? Mrs. Lim: For the advantages, can say all of our business transaction currency is using U. S dollar, this is easier to standardize our Mould cavity and their values. For the disadvantage s, can say is the duration of receiving payment is longer than the local transaction. Like for example, the duration of receiving payment will normally up to 180 days. Chris : Besides that, to which country your company export too? Mrs. Lim : As I mention earlier, we also export our Mould to Thailand and U.K too. Chris :Ok, when you expand your business globally, what is the strengths, weaknesses, opportunities and also threats of your company in foreign market?. Mrs. Lim : Well, for the strengths, I can said that our Mould are more cheap compare with other bigger company. For weaknesses, I can said that our company popularity is not high as other bigger company, so sometime the foreigner not even know our company name. for the opportunities, I think our company might have chance to be like other bigger company someday, since this company business is keep growing.Threats, there are some larger company sometime will lower the market price and this will effect to our selling price as well as our profit. Chris : Is there any cultural or political issue will effect to your business when exporting Mould to foreign market? Mrs. Lim : Ya , sure, like cultural, the Japanese client prefer we can produce Mould to them on time. They might be unhappy if we delay our exporting our Mould to them. For the political issue, not much actually, there is no extra taxes as well. Chris : is there any geographical and economic issues will effect to your business globally?Mrs. Lim : Well, so far no. we very please with the courier express service, there is no any mistakes happen before. For economic, as I mention earlier, the U. S currency is actually give advantages for me to earn more. Chris : Ok, is the any other problems or challenges that might effect to your business globalize? Mrs. Lim : So far as I mention earlier, the competitors might be the big problems that we faced. Economic crisis also is one of the issue that we always worrying, this is because we faced this kind of ex perience previously and the company forced to shut down eventually.There is also sometime the Mould dimension might defect and cannot be use, so we have to redo the Mould, this will increase our cost and reduce our profit. Chris : Last, do you have any suggestion in doing global business or any extra information which like to share with us? Mrs. Lim : I can said networking is the key in doing business internationally, because the help of other big company, our SME company only will have the chance to deal with international client. Besides, we also must be humble when doing business and keep our words with our client. That’s all. 7. 2 Photo Gallery

Saturday, September 14, 2019

Diels-Alder reaction Essay

Purpose: In this experiment a Diels-Alder reaction was used to form the products. Cyclopentadiene and maleic anhydride were reacted together to form cis-Norbornene-5,6-endo-dicarboxylic anhydride. 7-oxabicyclo{2.2.1}hept-5-ene-2,3-dicarboxylic anhydride was also produced through a Diels-Alder reaction with the combination of furan and maleic anhydride. Equation: Procedure: Part 1 In a flask equipped with a septum side arm and topped with distillation heat and a thermometer add 2.5ml of mineral oil. Heat the oil. At the end of the distillation heat place an ice filled beaker. When the oil reaches 250 °C inject 0.6ml of dicyclpentadiene drop wise through septum. Make sure the temperature does not go above 45 °C. The product is then weighed. Part 2 In a reaction tube place 0.20g maleic anhydride and 1.0ml of ethyl acetate then add 1.0ml of hexane. Then add 0.20ml of cyclopentadiene. Cool the tube in an ice bath. Remove solvent from crystals using pipette. Wash crystals with hexanes then remove solvent again. Allow crystals to dry. Part 3 In a flask place 2.4g maleic anhydride and add 20ml of diethyl ether. Dissolve mixture using hot plate then let cool to room temperature. Add 1.8ml of furane to the flask. Wrap the flask with Parafilm after placing a stopper on top of flask. Place the flask under the hood for the next lab period. Upon the return of the next class period the formed crystals were scrapped from the flask. The crystals were then weighed and melting points were observed. Discussion and Conclusion: A Diels-Alder reaction was used to produce the products of this experiment. The first reaction was cyclopentadiene with maleic anhydride to from the product of cis-Norbornene-5,6-endo-dicarboxylic anhydride. Before that could be produced, dicyclopentadiene had to be cracked to get cyclopentadiene for the starting material. Cyclopentadiene and maleic anhydride were mixed together and cooled to room temperature, which produced crystals. The solvent was pipette out of the tube to separate the crystals. The crystals were then scraped on the filter paper to get weight and melting points. The end product yielded 82.6%. The melting point was observed at 162-163 °C. This indicated a close to pure substance with the actual melting point being 165 °C. The second part of the experiment was the reaction of furan with maleic anhydride. This reaction produced 7-oxabicyclo{2.2.1}hept-5-ene-2,3-dicarboxylic anhydride. Maleic anhydride was combined with diethyl either to dissolve the solid. Then furan was added and place under the hood for the next class period. During this time crystals were formed in the stopped flask. The melting point for the end product was observed at 113-114 °C. This indicated that the product was exo. The percent yield was calculated at 5.98%. There were many sources of error that could have contributed to the results of these experiments. The end product could have cooled a little longer to form more crystals. Also the crystals could have been dried more to produce better melting points. Separating the solvent from the test tube was not completely precise and may  have lost some of the product in the extraction. Scraping the crystals out of the flask or test tube was not easy and some of the product was lost during this step. Overall the experiment was a success. Reference: Williamson, K.; Minard, R.; Masters, K. Macroscale and Microscale Organic Experiments, 2011. Pg 617-629.

Friday, September 13, 2019

An Overlook and Analysis of the Coca Cola Company Term Paper

An Overlook and Analysis of the Coca Cola Company - Term Paper Example As the paper outlines the company thus needs to analyze their internal environments for threats and opportunities in order to maintain their position in the ever dynamic competitive field. These different environments fall under the Pestle analysis that help the company managers to make macro decisions on policy changes. These include taxes, new laws, trade barriers and government policy changes among others. At the coca cola company economical challenges are posed by inflation due to economic crisis in most countries. The customer purchasing power is reducing to high oil and product prices. There is also a high rate of unemployment. Moreover, competition from other brands such as Pepsi is increasing. However, the company does not plan to cut down the price of their products. Socially, the lives of customers especially women is changing. Most of them are going out to work. It has resulted in the need for time management and the preference for healthier foods.   This study stresses that in the 1970s a subsidiary group in India wanted the company to share their secret formula under the Foreign Exchange Regulation Act. They declined and had to halt their operations for 16 years. The producers have been forced to provide exclusive territories to distributors. In addition, the European Commission alerted EU members to ban the sale of coca cola products due to a recent poisoning of 100 children in Belgium as a result of wrong use of carbon dioxide. In India, Protestants wanted the ban of coca cola claiming that the company was depleting ground water. There are also claims in India that coca cola possesses some amounts of pesticides that pose a risk to life. Hence, the need to ban it. The Coca Cola Company has a broad supply chain, which causes a great challenge in the development of tactical and strategic decisions. It is because of this that it faces strategic management issues globally. For instance, the same set of rules is not applied through out the company leading to an insufficient metric system for the company. As a result, there is a difference in simple things like the stock out and fill rate. These enhance the need for corporate level strategies as well as market and product development. Project management at the Coca Cola Company involves both logistics and procurement activities. Through purchasing and the involvement of ITC Infotech and consultation in SAP, there has been an improvement in supply chain management. Nonetheless, the company needs to find ways of investing in profits for future growth and earn more market shares and profits.Â